HUMAN Movement

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classes & workshops

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Online Classes & Workshops

Not sure where to start? No problem. Our online classes & workshops are the perfect way kickstart improving your health or yoga practices.


Monday Night
Live Yoga

An hour just for you. Connect to the deep calm within and leave the mat feeling better than when you stepped on. Suitable for all abilities.


Wednesday YogaFit

Connect to the deep strength within and leave the mat feeling better than when you stepped on. A Stronger yoga class for body & mind.

£37 / month

Join Our Membership

1. All Live Classes
2. Exclusive Class Library
3. Human Yoga Community
Get up to 10 classes for the price of 4

get started


Not sure where to start? No problem. Our online workshops are the perfect kickstart to any health or yoga practice. Check them out below.

make a start


5 Days to Your Healthiest Year

5 days

Make this your healthiest year ever in just 5 days. Sign up for our '5 Days to Your Healthiest Year' workshop here.


The 7 Day
Yoga Kickstart

7 days

Step onto your mat with confidence and kickstart your yoga practice in the ‘7 day Yoga kickstart.